Outputsenriqueov10Dec 9, 20211 min readHere are some of the pie charts and data frames I madecsv with quarterly wages and monthly employee counts2019EntertainmentandRecreationWagesandEmployment.csvDownload CSV • 2KBcsv with all of the venues or centers included in my projectSamplesetofEntertainmentVenuesorCenters.csvDownload CSV • 13KBThere's also the folium map from the main page of the website.
Here are some of the pie charts and data frames I madecsv with quarterly wages and monthly employee counts2019EntertainmentandRecreationWagesandEmployment.csvDownload CSV • 2KBcsv with all of the venues or centers included in my projectSamplesetofEntertainmentVenuesorCenters.csvDownload CSV • 13KBThere's also the folium map from the main page of the website.
Data ExplanationsCsv Files: Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) you must fill this out (I use NYC Region, NAICS Sector: 71, and all 4...
What I didPandas and (some) pandasql: So beginning with the data, I had to clean the .csv files with a large amount of columns or unnecessary...